Each type of corporate action can have many data points relating to the specific corporate action.
Below is a data reference for each type of event:
Code | Event |
ANN | Announcement |
ARR | Arrangement |
ASSM | Assimilation |
BB | Buy Back |
BKRP | Bankruptcy |
BON | Bonus Issue |
BR | Bonus Rights |
CALL | Call |
CAPRD | Capital Reduction |
AGM | Company Meeting |
CONSD | Consolidation (AKA Reverse stock split) |
CONV | Conversion |
CTX | Certificate Exchange |
CURRD | Currency Redenomination |
DIST | Distribution |
DIV | Dividend |
DMRGR | Demerger |
DRIP | Dividend Reinvestment Plan |
DVST | Divestment |
ENT | Entitlements |
FRANK | Franking |
FTT | Financial Transaction Tax |
FYCHG | Financial Year Change |
ICC | International Code Change |
INCHG | Incorporation Change |
ISCHG | Issuer Name Change |
LAWST | Lawsuit |
LCC | Local Code Change |
LIQ | Liquidation |
LSTAT | Listing Status Change |
LTCHG | Lot Change |
MKCHG | Market Segment Change |
MRGR | Merger |
NLIST | New Listing |
ODDLT | Odd Lot Offer |
PID | Property Income Distribution |
PO | Purchase Offer |
PRCHG | Primary Exchange Change |
PRF | Preferential Offer |
PVRD | Parvalue Redenomination |
RCAP | Return of Capital |
REDEM | Preference Redemption |
RTS | Rights |
SCCHG | Security Description Change |
SCSWP | Security Swap |
SD | Subdivision (AKA - Forward Stock Split) |
SECRC | Security Reclassification |
TKOVR | Takeover |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | Successor code |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values (1's) |
Outurns | Resultant code |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Real but usually only one Option and Serial ID |
Outurns | Resultant code |
Ratios | Yes |
Rates | Minprice, Maxprice |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
OnOffFlag | The mechanism adopted by the company for buying back the shares. |
WithdrawalRights | The mechanism adopted by the company for buying back the shares. |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | Yes |
Rates | None |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
ResSectyCD | Resultant Security Type |
WithdrawalRights | This field is populated for ADR holders only. If the underlying security is having Bonus issue and company decides ADR shares will not have bonus. The company will sell the share on behalf of ADR holders in the market and return the money to ADR holders. So there is no ratio. |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | Resultant (Note Trading and Poison Pill in Extra Fields) |
Ratios | Yes |
Rates | IssuePrice |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
TraSecID | WCA Security Code of the security that may be created for Trading purposes. |
TraIsin | Trading ISIN if applicable/available |
OverSubscription | |
ResSectyCD | Resultant Security Type |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
CallNumber | Number of the call which the company has made on the security. Eg. 1st Call, 2nd Call, 3rd Call |
CurenCD | ISO Currency Code |
ToFacevalue | Out of the total call amount the amount that will be apportioned to the Face Value of the security i.e. company's equity capital. |
ToPremium | Out of the total call amount the amount that will be apportioned to the share premium account. |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | Successor code |
Ratios | Yes |
Rates | None |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
OldParValue | Par Value may change in Capital Reduction. Both are provided for reference. |
NewParValue | Par Value may change in Capital Reduction. Both are provided for reference. |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Description |
AGMEGM | Type of meeting |
AGMNo | Company meeting number |
AGMTime | Company meeting number |
Add1 | Address Line 1 |
Add2 | Address Line 2 |
Add3 | Address Line 3 |
Add4 | Address Line 4 |
Add5 | Address Line 5 |
Add6 | Address Line 6 |
City | Meeting city |
CntryCD | ISO Country |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | Successor code |
Ratios | Yes |
Rates | None |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
OldParValue | Par Value may change in Consolidation. Both are provided for reference. |
NewParValue | Par Value may change in Consolidation. Both are provided for reference. |
CurenCD | ISO Currency Code |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | Resultant code |
Ratios | Yes |
Rates | Price |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Description |
MandOptFlag | Is the conversion for this period Mandatory or Optional to the shareholder. Generally there could be several conversion periods within the life of the Preference share. The Last one is Mandatory and all the interim ones would be optional. |
FXrate | Foreign Exchange Rate |
PartFinalFlag | |
ResSectyCD | Resultant Security Type |
ConvType | |
PriceAsPercent |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | Resultant code |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Description |
RelEvent | Event related to or causing the current event. e.g. Subdivision could be the the related event of a Sedol Change Event |
ResSectyCD | Resultant Security Type |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Description |
EventType | Event type code |
OldCurenCD | ISO Old Currency Code |
NewCurenCD | ISO New Currency Code |
OldParValue | Par Value may change in Currency Redenomination. Both are provided for reference. |
NewParValue | Par Value may change in Currency Redenomination. Both are provided for reference. |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Option ID real, Serial ID real |
Outurns | Resultant code |
Ratios | Yes |
Rates | MinPrice, MaxPrice |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
WithdrawalRights | True or False |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Option ID real, Serial ID real |
Outurns | Resultant code |
Ratios | Yes |
Rates | Gross and Net Dividend |
GrossDividend | Total Dividend amount |
NetDividend | Dividend net of taxes (if any) to the shareholder |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
Marker | Dividend Marker |
Frequency | Dividend Frequency |
Tbaflag | The company intends to pay a dividend but the details are yet to be announced |
NilDividend | Real Dividend event but of zero payrate. |
DivRescind | Real Dividend event but of zero payrate. |
RecindCashDiv | Cash Dividend Cancelled. |
RecindStockDiv | Stock Dividend Cancelled. |
Approxflag | If dividend is temporarily an approximate value. Expect an update. |
TaxRate | Domestic withholding tax rate |
Depfees | Depositary fees - Applies only to DR dividends |
Coupon | In countries where coupons are to be submitted to obtain a benefit this field is useful. |
Dapflag | Divdend Access Plan Available (GB only) |
InstallmentPayDate | |
DeclCurenCD | Declared Currency Code |
DeclGrossAmt | Declared Gross Amount |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Yes |
Outurns | Resultant code |
Ratios | Yes |
Rates | MinPrice, MaxPrice |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
WithdrawalRights | True or False |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | None |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
DripReinvPrice | Drip reinvestment price |
CntryCD | ISO Country |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | None |
Outurns | Resultant code |
Ratios | Yes |
Rates | MinPrice, MaxPrice |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
ResSectyCD | Resultant Security Type |
MaxQlyQty | If the quantity held by shareholder is within this range then he qualifies for taking part in the event. |
MaxAcpQty | The TOTAL Quantity the company will accept from all the shareholders tendering their shares in the event for the event to be binding on the offeror. |
TraSecID | WCA Security Code of the security that may be created for Trading purposes. |
TraIsin | Trading ISIN if applicable/available |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | Successor code |
Ratios | Yes |
Rates | IssuePrice |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
ResSectyCD | Resultant Security Type |
OverSubscription | True or False |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
Frankflag | Franking type. |
FrankDiv | Franked amount if partially franked. |
UnFrankDiv | Unfranked amount if partially franked. |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Description |
RelEvent | Event related to or causing the current event. e.g. Subdivision could be the the related event of a Sedol Change Event |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Description |
EventType | Event type code |
OldISIN | Old Isin |
NewISIN | New Isin |
OldUSCode | Old US code |
NewUSCode | New US code |
RelEventID | Link to related event if available |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Description |
EventType | Event type code |
OldCntryCD | Old ISO Country |
NewCntryCD | New ISO Country |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Description |
EventType | Event type code |
IssOldName | Old Issuer Name |
IssNewName | New Issuer Name |
LegalName | Flagged if IssNewName is the legal name |
MeetingDateFlag | Flagged if IssNewName is the legal name |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Description |
LAType | Indicates if the Lawsuit is a class action |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Description |
EventType | Event type code |
OldLocalCode | |
NewLocalCode | |
RelEventID | Link to related event if available |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Real |
Outurns | Resultant code |
Ratios | Yes |
Rates | MinPrice, MaxPrice |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Description |
ResSectyCD | Resultant Security Type |
Liquidator | Name of the agency appointed for liquidating the assets of the company. |
LiqAdd1 | Address Line 1 |
LiqAdd2 | Address Line 2 |
LiqAdd3 | Address Line 3 |
LiqAdd4 | Address Line 4 |
LiqAdd5 | Address Line 5 |
LiqAdd6 | Address Line 6 |
LiqCity | City |
LiqCntryCD | ISO Country |
LiqTel | Phone |
LiqFax | |
LiqEmail |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Description |
EventType | Event type code |
OldLStatStatus | Old Listing Status |
LStatStatus | New Listing Status |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Description |
EventType | Event type code |
OldLot | Old lot size |
OldMinTrdQty | Old Minimum Trading Quantity |
NewLot | New lot size |
NewMinTrdgQty | New Minimum Trading Quantity |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Description |
EventType | Event type code |
OldMIC | |
NewMIC | |
OldMktsegment | |
NewMktsegment |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Real |
Outurns | Resultant code |
Ratios | Yes |
Rates | MinPrice, MaxPrice |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
MrgrStatus | Progress of the Merger |
WithdrawalRights | True or False |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Real |
Outurns | Resultant code |
Ratios | Yes |
Rates | MinPrice, MaxPrice |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
MinQlyQty | If the quantity held by shareholder is within this range then he qualifies for taking part in the event. |
MaxQlyQty | If the quantity held by shareholder is within this range then he qualifies for taking part in the event. |
WithdrawalRights | True or False |
MinOfrQty | The Quantity range within which the Shareholder can offer from his total holding in the event. |
MaxOfrQty | The Quantity range within which the Shareholder can offer from his total holding in the event. |
MinAcpQty | The TOTAL Quantity the company will accept from all the shareholders tendering their shares in the event for the event to be binding on the offeror. |
MaxAcpQty | The TOTAL Quantity the company will accept from all the shareholders tendering their shares in the event for the event to be binding on the offeror. |
BuyIn | |
BuyInCurenCD | |
BuyInPrice |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
NonPID | Indicates the portion of the dividend that is not Property Income Distribution. |
PID | Indicates the portion of the dividend that is Property Income Distribution. |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | MinPrice, MaxPrice |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
POMinPercent | TOTAL Percentage of the shares outstanding that the purchaser will buy from the shareholders. |
POMaxPercent | TOTAL Percentage of the shares outstanding that the purchaser will buy from the shareholders. |
MinOfrQty | The Quantity range within which the Shareholder can offer from his total holding in the event. |
MaxOfrQty | The Quantity range within which the Shareholder can offer from his total holding in the event. |
TndrStrkPrice | If the event is via a Tender process it is the cut off price at which all the bids are accepted. |
TndrPriceStep | If the event is via a Tender then there is a price step in which one can put in the bids. Eg. If the price step specified is 10p then one has to make bids in steps of 10p i.e. GBP 1.10, GBP 1.20, GBP 1.30. |
MinQlyQty | If the quantity held by shareholder is within this range then they qualifies for taking part in the event. |
MaxQlyQty | If the quantity held by shareholder is within this range then he qualifies for taking part in the event. |
MinAcpQty | The TOTAL Quantity the company will accept from all the shareholders tendering their shares in the event for the event to be binding on the offeror. |
MaxAcpQty | The TOTAL Quantity the company will accept from all the shareholders tendering their shares in the event for the event to be binding on the offeror. |
SealedBid | True if Sealed Bid |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Description |
EventType | Event type code |
OldExchgCD | Old Primary Exchange Code |
NewExchgCD | New Primary Exchange Code |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | Resultant code |
Ratios | Yes |
Rates | MinPrice, MaxPrice |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
ResSectyCD | Resultant Security Type |
OffereeIssID | Offeree Issuer ID |
OffereeName | Name of the issuer making the offer but the issuer is not available on WCA. |
TndrStrkPrice | If the event is via a Tender process it is the cut off price at which all the bids are accepted. |
TndrPriceStep | If the event is via a Tender then there is a price step in which one can put in the bids. Eg. If the price step specified is 10p then one has to make bids in steps of 10p i.e. GBP 1.10, GBP 1.20, GBP 1.30. |
MinPrice | Price range within which the event would take place. |
MaxPrice | Price range within which the event would take place. |
MinQlyQty | If the quantity held by shareholder is within this range then he qualifies for taking part in the event. |
MaxQlyQty | If the quantity held by shareholder is within this range then he qualifies for taking part in the event. |
MinAcpQty | The TOTAL Quantity the company will accept from all the shareholders tendering their shares in the event for the event to be binding on the offeror. |
MaxAcpQty | The TOTAL Quantity the company will accept from all the shareholders tendering their shares in the event for the event to be binding on the offeror. |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Description |
RelEvent | Event related to or causing the current event. e.g. Subdivision could be the the related event of a Sedol Change Event |
PVCurrency | Security Parvalue Currency |
OldParValue | Par Value may change in Currency Redenomination. Both are provided for reference. |
NewParValue | Par Value may change in Currency Redenomination. Both are provided for reference. |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | Successor code |
Ratios | None |
Rates | CashBak |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | RedemPrice |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Description |
MandOptFlag | Is the redemption for this date Mandatory or Optional to the bond holder. Some securities can have several redemption dates (eg. Preference share) during the life of the security while others may just have one (eg. Bonds). |
PartFinal | Is the redemption for this date Part or Final. Part redemptions may be mandatory. |
RedemType | A lookup table indicating the variety of redemptions possible. Eg. Amortisation, Sinking fund, bullet etc. |
AmountRedeemed | |
RedemPremium | |
PriceAsPercent | |
PremiumAsPercent | |
RedemPercent | Redemption in %. To allow for Redemption of security which is only on % basis. |
PoolFactor | The outstanding principal balance divided by the original principal balance with the result expressed as a decimal. Useful in calculating redemption and outstanding par value. Introduced to capture this figure whenever its available. |
Rights Split Date: Split date concept in rights is known in asian countries where the lot size is more than 1. If the shareholder is suppose to receive 100 shares because of rights and the lost size is 50 then he will receive 2 physical certificates. Split date is only for shares in physical form. If the share holders wants 10 certificates for 100 shares companies can do it and the split date is the date when this shares are split by the company.
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | Resultant (Note Trading and Poison Pill in Extra Fields section) |
Ratios | Yes |
Rates | IssuePrice, LapsedPremium |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
TraSecID | Security Code of the security that may be created for Trading purposes. |
TraIsin | Trading ISIN if applicable/available |
PPSecID | Poison Pill Rights: This rights behave same as normal rights but they do not trade at all. This rights are normally announced by the company to avoid hostile takeover. |
PPIsin | PP ISIN if applicable/available |
OverSubscription | |
ResSectyCD | Resultant Security Type |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | None |
Ratios | None |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Description |
EventType | Event type code |
SecOldName | Previous Name |
SecNewName | New Name |
OldSectyCD | Old Security type code |
NewSectyCD | New Security type code |
OldRegS144A | OldRegS144A Value |
NewRegS144A | NewRegS144A Value |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | Resultant code |
Ratios | Yes |
Rates | None |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
ResSectyCD | Resultant Security Type |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | Successor code |
Ratios | Yes |
Rates | None |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
OldParValue | Par Value may change in Consolidation. Both are provided for reference. |
NewParValue | Par Value may change in Consolidation. Both are provided for reference. |
OldCurenCD | ISO Old Currency Code |
NewCurenCD | ISO New Currency Code |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Dummy Values |
Outurns | Resultant code |
Ratios | Yes |
Rates | None |
Priority | Not Applicable |
Field | Description |
RelEvent | Event related to or causing the current event. e.g. Subdivision could be the the related event of a Sedol Change Event |
ResSectyCD | Resultant Security Type |
Field | Notes |
Option and Serial ID | Real |
Outurns | Resultant code |
Ratios | Yes |
Rates | MinPrice, MaxPrice |
Priority | Applicable |
Field | Description |
TkovrStatus | Takeover status |
OfferorIssID | Internal IssID of the Offeror |
OfferorName | Name of the issuer making the offer but the issuer is not available on WCA. |
Hostile | True if hostile takeover |
MiniTkovr | True if Mini-Takeover |
ResSecType | Resultant Security Type |
TargetQuantity | Total Quantity of shares targeted for the Takeover by the offeror |
TargetPercent | Percentage of the Company's shares outstanding targeted by the Offeror. |
MinAcpQty | The TOTAL Quantity the company will accept from all the shareholders tendering their shares in the event for the event to be binding on the offeror. |
MaxAcpQty | The TOTAL Quantity the company will accept from all the shareholders tendering their shares in the event for the event to be binding on the offeror. |
PreOfferQty | Number of shares held by the Offeror prior to making the Takeover offer |
PreOfferPercent | Percentage of the Company's shares outstanding that the Offeror held prior to making the Takeover offer |
TndrStrkPrice | If the event is via a Tender process it is the cut off price at which all the bids are accepted. |
TndrPriceStep | If the event is via a Tender then there is a price step in which one can put in the bids. Eg. If the price step specified is 10p then one has to make bids in steps of 10p i.e. GBP 1.10, GBP 1.20, GBP 1.30. |
MinQlyQty | If the quantity held by shareholder is within this range then he qualifies for taking part in the event. |
MaxQlyQty | If the quantity held by shareholder is within this range then he qualifies for taking part in the event. |
MinOfrQty | The Quantity range within which the Shareholder can offer from his total holding in the event. |
MaxOfrQty | The Quantity range within which the Shareholder can offer from his total holding in the event. |
DutchAuction | |
WithdrawalRights |