Options Chain Realtime

Options Chain Realtime Csharp API Documentation

Returns a list of the latest National Best Bid & Offer (NBBO) top of the order book size and premium (bid / ask), the latest trade size and premium as well as the greeks and implied volatility for all option contracts currently associated with the option chain.

API Class:
Instance Method:

Stock Price Code Example

Use my API Key
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Intrinio.SDK.Api;
using Intrinio.SDK.Client;
using Intrinio.SDK.Model;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace Example
public class GetOptionsChainRealtimeExample
public static void Main()
Configuration.Default.AddApiKey("api_key", "YOUR_API_KEY");
Configuration.Default.AllowRetries = true;
var optionsApi = new OptionsApi();
string symbol = "MSFT";
string expiration = "2023-01-20";
string source = null;
string type = null;
decimal? strike = null;
decimal? strikeGreaterThan = null;
decimal? strikeLessThan = null;
decimal? volumeGreaterThan = null;
decimal? volumeLessThan = null;
decimal? openInterestGreaterThan = null;
decimal? openInterestLessThan = null;
string moneyness = null;
string stockPriceSource = null;
string model = null;
bool? showExtendedPrice = null;
bool? includeRelatedSymbols = false;
ApiResponseOptionsChainRealtime result = optionsApi.GetOptionsChainRealtime(symbol, expiration, source, type, strike, strikeGreaterThan,
        strikeLessThan, volumeGreaterThan, volumeLessThan, openInterestGreaterThan, openInterestLessThan, moneyness, stockPriceSource, model,
        showExtendedPrice, includeRelatedSymbols);
Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented));


symbolstringThe option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security. 
expirationstringThe expiration date of the options contract 
sourcestringRealtime or 15-minute delayed contracts.[optional]  
typestringThe option contract type.[optional]  
strikedecimal?The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike price equal to this price.[optional]  
strikeGreaterThandecimal?The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices greater than this price.[optional]  
strikeLessThandecimal?The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices less than this price.[optional]  
volumeGreaterThandecimal?The volume of the option contract. This will return options contracts with volumes greater than this amount.[optional]  
volumeLessThandecimal?The volume of the option contract. This will return options contracts with volumes less than this amout.[optional]  
openInterestGreaterThandecimal?The open interest of the option contract. This will return options contracts with open interest greater than this amount.[optional]  
openInterestLessThandecimal?The open interest of the option contract. This will return options contracts with open interest less than this amount.[optional]  
moneynessstringThe moneyness of the options contracts to return. ‘all' will return all options contracts. ‘in_the_money' will return options contracts that are in the money (call options with strike prices below the current price, put options with strike prices above the current price). ‘out_of_they_money' will return options contracts that are out of the money (call options with strike prices above the current price, put options with strike prices below the current price). ‘near_the_money' will return options contracts that are $0.50 or less away from being in the money. Requires subscription to realtime stock price data.[optional]  
stockPriceSourcestringSource for underlying price for calculating Greeks.[optional]  
modelstringModel for calculating Greek values. Default is black_scholes.[optional]  
showExtendedPricebool?Whether to include open close high low type fields.[optional]  
includeRelatedSymbolsbool?Include related symbols that end in a 1 or 2 because of a corporate action.[optional]  

Return Type



ChainListA list of realtime options for the provided expiration date their respective option prices.  




CodestringThe Intrinio Code for the Option.  
TickerstringThe ticker symbol of the Security for the Option.  
ExpirationDateTime?The date on which the Option expires. The Option becomes invalid after this date and cannot be exercised.  
Strikedecimal?The strike price is the fixed price at which a derivative can be exercised, and refers to the price of the derivative's underlying asset. In a call option, the strike price is the price at which the option holder can purchase the underlying security. For a put option, the strike price is the price at which the option holder can sell the underlying security.  
TypestringThe type of Option (put or call).  


Lastdecimal?The price of the last trade  
LastSizeint?The size of the last trade  
LastTimestampDateTime?The time of the last trade  
Volumeint?The cumulative volume of this options contract that traded that day.  
Askdecimal?The price of the top ask order  
AskSizeint?The size of the top ask order  
AskTimestampDateTime?The timestamp of the top ask order  
Biddecimal?The price of the top bid order  
BidSizeint?The size of the top bid order  
BidTimestampDateTime?The time of the top bid order  
OpenInterestint?The total number of this options contract that are still open.  
ExerciseStylestringThe exercise style of the option. ("A" = "American", "E" = "European")  


ImpliedVolatilitydecimal?The implied volatility of the contract calculated using the Black-Scholes Model.  
Deltadecimal?Delta represents the rate of change between the option's price and a $1 change in the underlying asset's price.  
Gammadecimal?Gamma represents the rate of change between an option's delta and the underlying asset's price.  
Thetadecimal?Theta represents the rate of change between the option price and time, or time sensitivity - sometimes known as an option's time decay.  
Vegadecimal?Vega represents the rate of change between an option's value and the underlying asset's implied volatility.  
UnderlyingPricedecimal?The most recent trade price of the underlying asset.  


BidOpendecimal?The price of the bid at open  
BidHighdecimal?The high bid so far today  
BidLowdecimal?The low bid so far today  
AskOpendecimal?The price of the ask at open  
AskHighdecimal?The high ask so far today  
AskLowdecimal?The low ask so far today  
TradeOpendecimal?The price of the trade at open  
TradeHighdecimal?The high trade so far today  
TradeLowdecimal?The low trade so far today  
AskClosedecimal?The price of ask at close today  
BidClosedecimal?The price of bid at close today  
TradeClosedecimal?The price of the last trade of the day  
Markdecimal?The mark price