Options by Symbol Realtime

Options by Symbol Realtime Javascript API Documentation

Returns a list of all securities that have options listed and are tradable on a US market exchange. Useful to retrieve the entire universe.

API Class:
Instance Method:

Stock Price Code Example

Use my API Key
var intrinioSDK = require('intrinio-sdk');
intrinioSDK.ApiClient.instance.authentications['ApiKeyAuth'].apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
intrinioSDK.ApiClient.instance.enableRetries = true;
var options = new intrinioSDK.OptionsApi();
var symbol = "AAPL";
var opts = {
'type': "put",
'strike': 170,
'strikeGreaterThan': 150,
'strikeLessThan': 190,
'expiration': "2022-04-16",
'expirationAfter': "2022-01-01",
'expirationBefore': "2023-12-31",
'source': null,
'includeRelatedSymbols': false
options.getOptionsBySymbolRealtime(symbol, opts).then(function(data) {
data = JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)
}, function(error) {


symbolStringThe option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security. 
typeStringThe option contract type.[optional]  
strikeNumberThe strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike price equal to this price.[optional]  
strikeGreaterThanNumberThe strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices greater than this price.[optional]  
strikeLessThanNumberThe strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices less than this price.[optional]  
expirationStringThe expiration date of the option contract. This will return options contracts with expiration dates on this date.[optional]  
expirationAfterStringThe expiration date of the option contract. This will return options contracts with expiration dates after this date.[optional]  
expirationBeforeStringThe expiration date of the option contract. This will return options contracts with expiration dates before this date.[optional]  
sourceStringRealtime or 15-minute delayed contracts.[optional]  
includeRelatedSymbolsBooleanInclude related symbols that end in a 1 or 2 because of a corporate action.[optional]  

Return Type



options[OptionRealtime]A list of options contracts with the given symbol  


codeStringThe Intrinio Code for the Option.  
tickerStringThe ticker symbol of the Security for the Option.  
expirationDateThe date on which the Option expires. The Option becomes invalid after this date and cannot be exercised.  
strikeNumberThe strike price is the fixed price at which a derivative can be exercised, and refers to the price of the derivative's underlying asset. In a call option, the strike price is the price at which the option holder can purchase the underlying security. For a put option, the strike price is the price at which the option holder can sell the underlying security.  
typeStringThe type of Option (put or call).