This database returns historical estimated and actual earnings, guidance, and announcement dates for 17,000+ US and Canadian listed companies.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
startDate | DateTime? | Limit EPS surprises to those on or after this date | [optional] |
endDate | DateTime? | Limit EPS surprises to those on or before this date | [optional] |
epsActualGreater | decimal? | Return only records with an actual EPS higher than this value | [optional] |
epsActualLess | decimal? | Return only records with an actual EPS lower than this value | [optional] |
epsMeanEstimateGreater | decimal? | Return only records with an EPS mean estimate greater than this value | [optional] |
epsMeanEstimateLess | decimal? | Return only records with an EPS mean estimate lower than this value | [optional] |
epsAmountDiffGreater | decimal? | Return only records with an EPS amount difference greater than this value | [optional] |
epsAmountDiffLess | decimal? | Return only records with an EPS amount difference less than this value | [optional] |
epsPercentDiffGreater | decimal? | Return only records with an EPS percent difference greater than this value | [optional] |
epsPercentDiffLess | decimal? | Return only records with an EPS percent difference less than this value | [optional] |
epsCountEstimateGreater | decimal? | Return only records with an EPS count estimate greater than this value | [optional] |
epsCountEstimateLess | decimal? | Return only records with an EPS count estimate less than this value | [optional] |
epsStdDevEstimateGreater | decimal? | Return only records with an EPS standard deviation greater than this value | [optional] |
epsStdDevEstimateLess | decimal? | Return only records with an EPS standard deviation less than this value | [optional] |
pageSize | int? | The number of results to return | [optional] [default to 100] |
nextPage | string | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional] |
Name | Type | Description |
EpsSurprises | List | Zacks EPS Surprise data for a Security in descending order by actual reported date |
NextPage | string | The token required to request the next page of the data. If null, no further results are available. |