Zacks Sales Surprises for Security

Zacks Sales Surprises for Security Java API Documentation

This database returns historical estimated and actual sales, guidance, and announcement dates for a specified US or Canadian company.

API Class:
Instance Method:

Stock Price Code Example

Use my API Key
import com.intrinio.api.*;
import com.intrinio.models.*;
import com.intrinio.invoker.*;
import com.intrinio.invoker.auth.*;
import org.threeten.bp.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
ApiKeyAuth auth = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("ApiKeyAuth");
SecurityApi securityApi = new SecurityApi();
String identifier = "AAPL";
Integer pageSize = 100;
String nextPage = null;
ApiResponseSecurityZacksSalesSurprises result = securityApi.getSecurityZacksSalesSurprises(identifier, pageSize, nextPage);


identifierStringA Security identifier (Ticker, FIGI, ISIN, CUSIP, Intrinio ID) 
pageSizeIntegerThe number of results to return[optional] [default to 100]  
nextPageStringGets the next page of data from a previous API call[optional]  

Return Type



securitySecuritySummaryThe Security resolved from the given identifier  
nextPageStringThe token required to request the next page of the data. If null, no further results are available.  


idStringThe Intrinio ID for the record  
fiscalYearBigDecimalThe company's fiscal year for the reported period  
fiscalQuarterStringThe company's fiscal quarter for the reported period  
calendarYearBigDecimalThe closest calendar year for the company's fiscal year  
calendarQuarterStringThe closest calendar quarter for the company's fiscal year  
actualReportedDateLocalDateThe actual report date for the earnings release  
actualReportedTimeStringThe actual report time for the earnings release  
actualReportedCodeStringThe code cooresponding to the earnings release BTO = BEFORE THE OPENDTM = DURING THE MARKETAMC = AFTER MARKET CLOSE  
actualReportedDescStringThe description for the type of earnings release  
lastRevDateLocalDateThe last revision date for the analyst estimates  
salesActualBigDecimalThe actual Non-GAAP sales figure released by the company, interpreted by Zacks.  
salesActualZacksAdjBigDecimalThe adjustments Zacks made to get to Non-GAAP sales to reconcile with GAAP sales.  
salesActualGaapBigDecimalThe actual GAAP sales figured released by the company  
salesMeanEstimateBigDecimalThe pre-earnings release mean sales estimate for the company sales_count_estimate; the pre-earnings release number of estimates by analysts  
salesAmountDiffBigDecimalThe sales surprise amount difference  
salesPercentDiffBigDecimalThe sales surprise percent difference  
salesStdDevEstimateBigDecimalThe pre-earnings release standard deviation of sales estimates  
securitySecuritySummaryThe Security of the Zacks Sales Surprise  


idStringThe Intrinio ID for Security  
companyIdStringThe Intrinio ID for the Company for which the Security is issued  
exchangeStringThe exchange's MIC  
exchangeMicStringThe security's exchange MIC  
stockExchangeIdStringThe exchange's Intrinio ID  
nameStringThe name of the Security  
codeStringA 2-3 digit code classifying the Security (reference)  
currencyStringThe currency in which the Security is traded on the exchange  
tickerStringThe common/local ticker of the Security  
compositeTickerStringThe country-composite ticker of the Security  
figiStringThe OpenFIGI identifier  
compositeFigiStringThe country-composite OpenFIGI identifier  
shareClassFigiStringThe global-composite OpenFIGI identifier  
primaryListingBooleanIf true, the Security is the primary issue for the company, otherwise it is a secondary issue on a secondary stock exchange  


idStringThe Intrinio ID for Security  
companyIdStringThe Intrinio ID for the Company for which the Security is issued  
exchangeStringThe exchange's MIC  
exchangeMicStringThe security's exchange MIC  
stockExchangeIdStringThe exchange's Intrinio ID  
nameStringThe name of the Security  
codeStringA 2-3 digit code classifying the Security (reference)  
currencyStringThe currency in which the Security is traded on the exchange  
tickerStringThe common/local ticker of the Security  
compositeTickerStringThe country-composite ticker of the Security  
figiStringThe OpenFIGI identifier  
compositeFigiStringThe country-composite OpenFIGI identifier  
shareClassFigiStringThe global-composite OpenFIGI identifier  
primaryListingBooleanIf true, the Security is the primary issue for the company, otherwise it is a secondary issue on a secondary stock exchange