Zacks Sales Surprises for Security

Zacks Sales Surprises for Security R API Documentation

This database returns historical estimated and actual sales, guidance, and announcement dates for a specified US or Canadian company.

API Class:
Instance Method:

Stock Price Code Example

Use my API Key
client <- IntrinioSDK::ApiClient$new()
# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
client$configuration$apiKey <- "YOUR_API_KEY"
#Configure retries
client$configuration$allowRetries <- TRUE
# Setup API with client
SecurityApi <- IntrinioSDK::SecurityApi$new(client)
# Required params
identifier <- "AAPL"
# Optional params
opts <- list(
page_size = 100,
next_page = NULL
response <- SecurityApi$get_security_zacks_sales_surprises(identifier, opts)


identifierCharacterA Security identifier (Ticker, FIGI, ISIN, CUSIP, Intrinio ID) 
page_sizeIntegerThe number of results to return[optional] [default to 100]  
next_pageCharacterGets the next page of data from a previous API call[optional]  

Return Type



sales_surprisesList of ZacksSalesSurpriseSummary 
sales_surprises_data_frameData FrameData frame representation of sales_surprises
securitySecuritySummaryThe Security resolved from the given identifier  
next_pageCharacterThe token required to request the next page of the data. If null, no further results are available.  


idCharacterThe Intrinio ID for the record  
fiscal_yearNumericThe company's fiscal year for the reported period  
fiscal_quarterCharacterThe company's fiscal quarter for the reported period  
calendar_yearNumericThe closest calendar year for the company's fiscal year  
calendar_quarterCharacterThe closest calendar quarter for the company's fiscal year  
actual_reported_dateDateThe actual report date for the earnings release  
actual_reported_timeCharacterThe actual report time for the earnings release  
actual_reported_codeCharacterThe code cooresponding to the earnings release BTO = BEFORE THE OPENDTM = DURING THE MARKETAMC = AFTER MARKET CLOSE  
actual_reported_descCharacterThe description for the type of earnings release  
last_rev_dateDateThe last revision date for the analyst estimates  
sales_actualNumericThe actual Non-GAAP sales figure released by the company, interpreted by Zacks.  
sales_actual_zacks_adjNumericThe adjustments Zacks made to get to Non-GAAP sales to reconcile with GAAP sales.  
sales_actual_gaapNumericThe actual GAAP sales figured released by the company  
sales_mean_estimateNumericThe pre-earnings release mean sales estimate for the company sales_count_estimate; the pre-earnings release number of estimates by analysts  
sales_amount_diffNumericThe sales surprise amount difference  
sales_percent_diffNumericThe sales surprise percent difference  
sales_std_dev_estimateNumericThe pre-earnings release standard deviation of sales estimates  
securitySecuritySummaryThe Security of the Zacks Sales Surprise  


idCharacterThe Intrinio ID for Security  
company_idCharacterThe Intrinio ID for the Company for which the Security is issued  
exchangeCharacterThe exchange's MIC  
exchange_micCharacterThe security's exchange MIC  
stock_exchange_idCharacterThe exchange's Intrinio ID  
nameCharacterThe name of the Security  
codeCharacterA 2-3 digit code classifying the Security (reference)  
currencyCharacterThe currency in which the Security is traded on the exchange  
tickerCharacterThe common/local ticker of the Security  
composite_tickerCharacterThe country-composite ticker of the Security  
figiCharacterThe OpenFIGI identifier  
composite_figiCharacterThe country-composite OpenFIGI identifier  
share_class_figiCharacterThe global-composite OpenFIGI identifier  
primary_listingLogicalIf TRUE, the Security is the primary issue for the company, otherwise it is a secondary issue on a secondary stock exchange  


idCharacterThe Intrinio ID for Security  
company_idCharacterThe Intrinio ID for the Company for which the Security is issued  
exchangeCharacterThe exchange's MIC  
exchange_micCharacterThe security's exchange MIC  
stock_exchange_idCharacterThe exchange's Intrinio ID  
nameCharacterThe name of the Security  
codeCharacterA 2-3 digit code classifying the Security (reference)  
currencyCharacterThe currency in which the Security is traded on the exchange  
tickerCharacterThe common/local ticker of the Security  
composite_tickerCharacterThe country-composite ticker of the Security  
figiCharacterThe OpenFIGI identifier  
composite_figiCharacterThe country-composite OpenFIGI identifier  
share_class_figiCharacterThe global-composite OpenFIGI identifier  
primary_listingLogicalIf TRUE, the Security is the primary issue for the company, otherwise it is a secondary issue on a secondary stock exchange