API Tutorial

Making your first API call

Welcome to the Intrinio API. Through our Intrinio Data Marketplace, we offer a wide selection of financial data feeds sourced by our own proprietary processes as well as from many data vendors. The primary application of the Intrinio API is for use in third-party applications and integrations or for end-users utilizing the Excel add-in.

The Intrinio API uses HTTPS verbs and a RESTful endpoint structure, which makes it easy to request data from Intrinio.

Authentication is administered over URL Parameter Authentication. Responses are delivered in JSON format.

Now, let's get started on making your first API call.

Via Browser

The easiest way to test out the Intrinio API is by using your browser.

  1. Paste your request into the address bar. Be sure to include your API Key by specifying an api_key URL parameter set to the value of your API Key. For example:


    Here are your API keys:

    To view your API keys, click here to log in.
  2. The request response (in JSON) format should appear in your browser viewport.

Via Command Line

You can also test the Intrinio API using the cURL command line utility.

curl https://api-v2.intrinio.com/companies/AAPL?api_key={YOUR_API_KEY}
To view your API keys, click here to log in.

Via SDKs

Intrinio offers SDKs for several popular languages. Follow the SDK instructions for installation, then use your API key according to the SDK code example.

To view your API keys, click here to log in.

Via Code


The Intrinio API uses URL Parameter Authentication over HTTPS. Append your API Key to your request URL to gain access to your feeds.

To view your API keys, click here to log in.

Response Formats

Intrinio API responses are in JSON format. The HTTP Response Status Code of 200 indicates that a request is well formed and valid. A Status Code of 401 indicates that API Authorization is not authenticated, due to being invalid. The Response Status Code of 403 indicates that you have reached a usage limit, such as your subscription’s 10 minute call limit or daily call limit. The Response message will give further indication to the reason for the error.

Ruby Example

require "http"
require "json"

request_url = "https://api-v2.intrinio.com/companies/AAPL?api_key="

response = HTTP.get(request_url).body

company = JSON.parse(response)
puts company

JavaScript (Node) Example

var https = require("https");

var request = https.request({
    method: "GET",
    host: "api-v2.intrinio.com",
    path: "/companies/AAPL?api_key="
}, function(response) {
    var json = "";
    response.on('data', function (chunk) {
        json += chunk;
    response.on('end', function() {
        var company = JSON.parse(json);


Go Forth and Build

We can't wait to see what you will build using the Intrinio API.


For a detailed reference, see our Documentation site.

We Are Here to Help

If you run into any trouble, please visit our Help Center.

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