The Intrinio C# SDK wraps all API endpoints into an easy-to-use set of classes, methods, and response objects.
To install the SDK use NuGet:
nuget install Intrinio.SDK
Be sure to add all package assemblies as references and include the SDK in your code as follows:
using Intrinio.SDK.Api; using Intrinio.SDK.Client; using Intrinio.SDK.Model;View C# SDK on GitHub
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
identifier | string | A Security identifier (Ticker, FIGI, ISIN, CUSIP, Intrinio ID) | |
startDate | DateTime? | Return prices on or after the date | [optional] |
endDate | DateTime? | Return prices on or before the date | [optional] |
frequency | string | Return stock prices in the given frequency | [optional] [default to daily] |
pageSize | int? | The number of results to return | [optional] [default to 100] |
nextPage | string | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional] |
Name | Type | Description |
StockPrices | List | The stock prices for the Security |
Security | SecuritySummary | The Security resolved from the given identifier |
NextPage | string | The token required to request the next page of the data. If null, no further results are available. |
No description available for this release.
No release notes for this build.
No release notes for this build.
Added stock exchange quote endpoint
Fix type on one endpoint.
Add quote type fields to equity intervals.
No release notes for this build.
Quote endpoint
Allow multiple tickers on parameter in some endpoints.
Added bid and ask timestamp properties to realtime equities quotes.
No release notes for this build.
No release notes for this build.
Advanced company news endpoints
No release notes for this build.
Added Zacks Sales Estimates endpoint.
No release notes for this release.
No release notes for this build.
Add extended price fields to options realtime calls
Add bid/ask time and size to options eod calls
Documentation updates and fixes
-Adjusting and releasing Company Public Float endpoint.
Added missing preexisting parameters to some SDK methods.
Add extra hint message to a Trade Alerts endpoint if user doesn’t have access
Fix enum on depreciated intraday endpoint docs
Add date filters to shares outstanding endpoint
Allow either datetime format for param on snapshot endpoints
Add missing next page param to docs for institutional ownership endpoint
Add documentation for market status endpoint
Can specify greeks underlying price source in some options calls
Can specify greeks IV method of calculation in some options calls
Update intervals syntax so it can pull from more performant source
Added socket replay file endpoint
Added Nasdaq Basic All Trades endpoint
No notes for this release.
Added next_page param to SDK that already exists in the REST options endpoint.
Added interval and movers endpoints.
-Updated RestSharp to v108