Stock Prices by Security

Stock Prices by Security Ruby API Documentation

Return end-of-day stock prices for the Security with the given `identifier`

API Class:
Instance Method:

Stock Price Code Example

Use my API Key
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
config.allow_retries = true
security_api =
identifier = "AAPL"
opts = {
start_date: Date.parse("2018-01-01"),
end_date: Date.parse("2019-01-01"),
frequency: "daily",
page_size: 100,
next_page: nil
result = security_api.get_security_stock_prices(identifier, opts)
pp result


identifierStringA Security identifier (Ticker, FIGI, ISIN, CUSIP, Intrinio ID) 
start_dateDateReturn prices on or after the date[optional]  
end_dateDateReturn prices on or before the date[optional]  
frequencyStringReturn stock prices in the given frequency[optional] [default to daily]  
page_sizeIntegerThe number of results to return[optional] [default to 100]  
next_pageStringGets the next page of data from a previous API call[optional]  

Return Type



stock_pricesArrayThe stock prices for the Security  
securitySecuritySummaryThe Security resolved from the given identifier  
next_pageStringThe token required to request the next page of the data. If null, no further results are available.  


dateDateThe calendar date that the stock price represents. For non-daily stock prices, this represents the last day in the period (end of the week, month, quarter, year, etc)  
intraperiodBOOLEANIf true, the stock price represents an unfinished period (be it day, week, quarter, month, or year), meaning that the close price is the latest price available, not the official close price for the period  
frequencyStringThe type of period that the stock price represents  
openFloatThe price at the beginning of the period  
highFloatThe highest price over the span of the period  
lowFloatThe lowest price over the span of the period  
closeFloatThe price at the end of the period  
volumeFloatThe number of shares exchanged during the period  
adj_openFloatThe price at the beginning of the period, adjusted for splits and dividends  
adj_highFloatThe highest price over the span of the period, adjusted for splits and dividends  
adj_lowFloatThe lowest price over the span of the period, adjusted for splits and dividends  
adj_closeFloatThe price at the end of the period, adjusted for splits and dividends  
adj_volumeFloatThe number of shares exchanged during the period, adjusted for splits and dividends  
factorFloatThe factor by which to multiply stock prices before this date, in order to calculate historically-adjusted stock prices.  
split_ratioFloatThe ratio of the stock split, if a stock split occurred.  
dividendFloatThe dividend amount, if a dividend was paid.  
changeFloatThe difference in price from the last price for this frequency  
percent_changeFloatThe percent difference in price from the last price for this frequency  
fifty_two_week_highFloatThe 52 week high price (daily only)  
fifty_two_week_lowFloatThe 52 week low price (daily only)  


idStringThe Intrinio ID for Security  
company_idStringThe Intrinio ID for the Company for which the Security is issued  
exchangeStringThe exchange's MIC  
exchange_micStringThe security's exchange MIC  
stock_exchange_idStringThe exchange's Intrinio ID  
nameStringThe name of the Security  
codeStringA 2-3 digit code classifying the Security (reference)  
currencyStringThe currency in which the Security is traded on the exchange  
tickerStringThe common/local ticker of the Security  
composite_tickerStringThe country-composite ticker of the Security  
figiStringThe OpenFIGI identifier  
composite_figiStringThe country-composite OpenFIGI identifier  
share_class_figiStringThe global-composite OpenFIGI identifier  
primary_listingBOOLEANIf true, the Security is the primary issue for the company, otherwise it is a secondary issue on a secondary stock exchange