Returns the latest news article links, headlines and summaries for all US traded companies allowing you to keep a pulse on companies and their business operations.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
specificSource | String | Only news from this source. Defaults to highest available if not present. | [optional] [enum: yahoo, moody, moody_us_news, moody_us_press_releases] |
pageSize | Integer | The maximum number of results to return. | [optional] [default to 100] |
sentiment | String | Filter by sentiment. Unsupported for yahoo source. | [optional] [enum: positive, neutral, negative] |
topic | String | Filter by topic. Unsupported for yahoo source. | [optional] |
company | String | Filter by `company` identifier (ticker, CIK, LEI, Intrinio ID) | [optional] |
security | String | Filter by `security` identifier (ticker, figi, isin, cusip, Intrinio ID). Unsupported for yahoo source. | [optional] |
startDate | LocalDate | Limit news stories to those on or after this date. Defaults to yesterday if unspecified. | [optional] |
endDate | LocalDate | Limit news stories to those on or before this date. | [optional] |
language | String | Filter by language. Unsupported for yahoo source. | [optional] |
wordCountGreaterThan | Integer | News stories will have a word count greater than this value. Unsupported for yahoo source. | [optional] |
wordCountLessThan | Integer | News stories will have a word count less than this value. Unsupported for yahoo source. | [optional] |
isSpam | Boolean | Filter whether it is marked as spam or not. Unsupported for yahoo source. | [optional] |
businessRelevanceGreaterThan | BigDecimal | News stories will have a business relevance score more than this value. Unsupported for yahoo source. | [optional] |
businessRelevanceLessThan | BigDecimal | News stories will have a business relevance score less than this value. Unsupported for yahoo source. | [optional] |
nextPage | String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional] |
Name | Type | Description |
news | List<CompanyNews> | |
nextPage | String | The token required to request the next page of the data. If null, no further results are available. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The Intrinio ID for the news article |
title | String | The title of the news article |
publicationDate | OffsetDateTime | The publication date of the news article |
url | String | The url of the news article |
summary | String | A summary of the news article |
source | SourceEnum | The news source. |
company | CompanySummary | The Company to which the new article pertains |
topics | List<NewsTopic> | |
copyright | String | The copyright of the news article |
language | String | The language code of the news article |
wordCount | Integer | The word count of the news article |
spam | Boolean | Whether the news article is marked as spam or not |
businessRelevance | BigDecimal | How strongly correlated the news article is to the business |
articleSentiment | ArticleSentimentEnum | The news sentiment. |
articleSentimentConfidence | BigDecimal | The confidence score of the sentiment rating |
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The Intrinio ID of the company |
ticker | String | The stock market ticker symbol associated with the company’s common stock securities |
name | String | The company’s common name |
lei | String | The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) assigned to the company |
cik | String | The Central Index Key (CIK) assigned to the company |