Returns reference data for a specified Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) series ID.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
identifier | String | An Index Identifier (symbol, Intrinio ID) |
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The Intrinio ID for the Index |
symbol | String | The symbol used to identify the Index |
name | String | The name of the Index |
continent | String | The continent of the country of focus for the Index |
country | String | The country of focus for the Index |
updateFrequency | String | How often the Index is updated |
lastUpdated | OffsetDateTime | When the Index was updated last |
description | String | A paragraph describing the index and its scope |
observationStart | LocalDate | The earliest date for which data is available |
observationEnd | LocalDate | The latest date for which data is available |
seasonalAdjustment | String | Whether the data is adjusted to account for seasonality |
units | String | The units of the data |