Returns a list of interval data points for a contract.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
identifier | String | The Intrinio ID or code of the options contract to request intervals for. | |
intervalSize | String | The time length of the interval. | [enum: SixtyMinute, 60m, 1h, ThirtyMinute, 30m, FifteenMinute, 15m, TenMinute, 10m, FiveMinute, 5m, OneMinute, 1m] |
source | String | Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. | [optional] [enum: realtime, delayed] |
pageSize | Integer | The number of results to return | [optional] [default to 100] |
endTime | OffsetDateTime | The inclusive UTC date and time the intervals end at. | [optional] |
Name | Type | Description |
intervals | List | Array of all the intervals in the result. |
contract | String | The option contract for the intervals |
size | SizeEnum | The size of the time span for the interval. |
Name | Type | Description |
openTime | OffsetDateTime | The UTC timestamp for the time this interval opened. |
closeTime | OffsetDateTime | The UTC timestamp for the time this interval closed. |
open | BigDecimal | The first traded contract price in this interval. |
high | BigDecimal | The highest traded contract price in this interval. |
low | BigDecimal | The lowest traded contract price in this interval. |
close | BigDecimal | The last traded contract price in this interval. |
volume | BigDecimal | The volume of contracts traded in this interval. |
average | BigDecimal | The volume weighted average price of contract trades in this interval. |
change | BigDecimal | The ratio of Close minus Open to Open. |
tradeCount | BigDecimal | The number of qualified trades executed during the period |