Deprecated. Return intraday stock prices for the Security with the given `identifier`
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
identifier | String | A Security identifier (Ticker, FIGI, ISIN, CUSIP, Intrinio ID) | |
source | String | Return intraday prices from the specified data source | [optional] [enum: iex, bats] |
startDate | LocalDate | Return intraday prices starting at the specified date | [optional] |
startTime | String | Return intraday prices starting at the specified time on the `start_date` (24-hour in ‘hh:mm' format, UTC timezone) | [optional] |
endDate | LocalDate | Return intraday prices stopping at the specified date | [optional] |
endTime | String | Return intraday prices stopping at the specified time on the `end_date` (24-hour in ‘hh:mm' format, UTC timezone) | [optional] |
pageSize | Integer | The number of results to return | [optional] [default to 100] |
nextPage | String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional] |
Name | Type | Description |
intradayPrices | List | The intraday stock prices for the Security |
security | SecuritySummary | The Security resolved from the given identifier |
source | SourceEnum | The source of the data |
nextPage | String | The token required to request the next page of the data. If null, no further results are available. |
Name | Type | Description |
time | OffsetDateTime | The timestamp that the `last_price` represents. |
lastPrice | BigDecimal | The price of the last trade. |
askPrice | BigDecimal | The price of the top ask order. |
askSize | BigDecimal | The size of the top ask order. |
bidPrice | BigDecimal | The price of the top bid order. |
bidSize | BigDecimal | The size of the top bid order. |
volume | BigDecimal | The number of shares exchanged during the trading day on the exchange. |
source | String | The source of the data. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The Intrinio ID for Security |
companyId | String | The Intrinio ID for the Company for which the Security is issued |
exchange | String | The exchange's MIC |
exchangeMic | String | The security's exchange MIC |
stockExchangeId | String | The exchange's Intrinio ID |
name | String | The name of the Security |
code | String | A 2-3 digit code classifying the Security (reference) |
currency | String | The currency in which the Security is traded on the exchange |
ticker | String | The common/local ticker of the Security |
compositeTicker | String | The country-composite ticker of the Security |
figi | String | The OpenFIGI identifier |
compositeFigi | String | The country-composite OpenFIGI identifier |
shareClassFigi | String | The global-composite OpenFIGI identifier |
primaryListing | Boolean | If true, the Security is the primary issue for the company, otherwise it is a secondary issue on a secondary stock exchange |