Returns many popular metrics for a security from multiple products conveniently in one API. Realtime stock price data requires at least one realtime product subscription (IEX, NASDAQ Basic, and/or Delayed SIP). If you are subscribed to multiple realtime stock price products, the api will return the most recent realtime stock price. Previous close price and percent change fields require both an EoD US Stock Price subscription and a realtime stock price subscription. Market_cap, price_to_earnings, and dividendyield data fields require a fundamentals subscription.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
identifier | String | A Security identifier (Ticker, FIGI, ISIN, CUSIP, Intrinio ID) | |
activeOnly | Boolean | Whether to return only realtime prices from today. | [optional] [default to false] |
source | String | Return the realtime price from the specified source instead of the most recent. | [optional] [enum: iex, bats_delayed, utp_delayed, cta_a_delayed, cta_b_delayed, otc_delayed, delayed_sip, nasdaq_basic, intrinio_mx, intrinio_mx_plus] |
nextPage | String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional] |
Name | Type | Description |
security | SecuritySummary | The Security of the stock quote |
last | BigDecimal | The price of the latest trade |
lastTime | OffsetDateTime | The date and time when the last trade occurred. |
source | String | The source of the pricing data. |
open | BigDecimal | The open price from the latest day of trading. |
high | BigDecimal | The highest price from the latest day of trading. |
low | BigDecimal | The lowest price from the latest day of trading. |
exchangeVolume | BigDecimal | The volume of the security from the source. |
marketVolume | BigDecimal | The volume of the security for the entire market. |
eodFiftyTwoWeekHigh | BigDecimal | The 52 week high price. |
eodFiftyTwoWeekLow | BigDecimal | The 52 week low price. |
marketcap | BigDecimal | The current market cap. |
pricetoearnings | BigDecimal | The current price to earnings. |
previousClose | BigDecimal | The previous close price. |
previousCloseDate | LocalDate | The date of the previous close. |
change | BigDecimal | The difference in last price from the last close price |
changePercent | BigDecimal | The percent difference in last price from the last close price |
adjClose5DaysAgo | BigDecimal | The adjusted close price 5 days ago. |
adjClose30DaysAgo | BigDecimal | The adjusted close price 30 days ago. |
adjClose90DaysAgo | BigDecimal | The adjusted close price 90 days ago. |
adjClose180DaysAgo | BigDecimal | The adjusted close price 180 days ago. |
adjClose365DaysAgo | BigDecimal | The adjusted close price 365 days ago. |
adjClose730DaysAgo | BigDecimal | The adjusted close price 730 days ago. |
adjClose1825DaysAgo | BigDecimal | The adjusted close price 1825 days ago. |
adjCloseYearToDate | BigDecimal | The adjusted close price at the start of the calendar year. |
changePercent5Days | BigDecimal | The percent change from the adjusted price 5 days ago to now. |
changePercent30Days | BigDecimal | The percent change from the adjusted price 30 days ago to now. |
changePercent90Days | BigDecimal | The percent change from the adjusted price 90 days ago to now. |
changePercent180Days | BigDecimal | The percent change from the adjusted price 180 days ago to now. |
changePercent365Days | BigDecimal | The percent change from the adjusted price 365 days ago to now. |
changePercent730DaysAgo | BigDecimal | The percent change from the adjusted price 730 days ago to now. |
changePercent1825Days | BigDecimal | The percent change from the adjusted price 1825 days ago to now. |
changePercentYearToDate | BigDecimal | The percent change from the adjusted price since the start of the calendar year to now. |
extendedHoursLast | BigDecimal | The price of the latest trade in pre and post market trading. Might be null during normal trading |
extendedHoursChange | BigDecimal | The difference in extended_hours_last price from most recent official close price |
extendedHoursChangePercent | BigDecimal | The percent difference in extended_hours_last from the most recent official close price |
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The Intrinio ID for Security |
companyId | String | The Intrinio ID for the Company for which the Security is issued |
exchange | String | The exchange's MIC |
exchangeMic | String | The security's exchange MIC |
stockExchangeId | String | The exchange's Intrinio ID |
name | String | The name of the Security |
code | String | A 2-3 digit code classifying the Security (reference) |
currency | String | The currency in which the Security is traded on the exchange |
ticker | String | The common/local ticker of the Security |
compositeTicker | String | The country-composite ticker of the Security |
figi | String | The OpenFIGI identifier |
compositeFigi | String | The country-composite OpenFIGI identifier |
shareClassFigi | String | The global-composite OpenFIGI identifier |
primaryListing | Boolean | If true, the Security is the primary issue for the company, otherwise it is a secondary issue on a secondary stock exchange |