Returns all option prices for a given option contract identifier.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
identifier | String | The Intrinio ID or code of the options contract to request prices for. | |
source | String | Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. | [optional] [enum: realtime, delayed] |
stockPriceSource | String | Source for underlying price for calculating Greeks. | [optional] [enum: iex, bats_delayed, intrinio_mx, intrinio_mx_plus, delayed_sip, utp_delayed, otc_delayed, cta_a_delayed, cta_b_delayed, nasdaq_basic] |
model | String | Model for calculating Greek values. Default is black_scholes. | [optional] [enum: black_scholes, bjerk] |
showExtendedPrice | Boolean | Whether to include open close high low type fields. | [optional] |
Name | Type | Description |
price | OptionPriceRealtime | |
stats | OptionStatsRealtime | |
option | OptionRealtime | |
extendedPrice | OptionPriceRealtimeExtended |
Name | Type | Description |
last | BigDecimal | The price of the last trade |
lastSize | Integer | The size of the last trade |
lastTimestamp | OffsetDateTime | The time of the last trade |
volume | Integer | The cumulative volume of this options contract that traded that day. |
ask | BigDecimal | The price of the top ask order |
askSize | Integer | The size of the top ask order |
askTimestamp | OffsetDateTime | The timestamp of the top ask order |
bid | BigDecimal | The price of the top bid order |
bidSize | Integer | The size of the top bid order |
bidTimestamp | OffsetDateTime | The time of the top bid order |
openInterest | Integer | The total number of this options contract that are still open. |
exerciseStyle | ExerciseStyleEnum | The exercise style of the option. ("A" = "American", "E" = "European") |
Name | Type | Description |
impliedVolatility | BigDecimal | The implied volatility of the contract calculated using the Black-Scholes Model. |
delta | BigDecimal | Delta represents the rate of change between the option's price and a $1 change in the underlying asset's price. |
gamma | BigDecimal | Gamma represents the rate of change between an option's delta and the underlying asset's price. |
theta | BigDecimal | Theta represents the rate of change between the option price and time, or time sensitivity - sometimes known as an option's time decay. |
vega | BigDecimal | Vega represents the rate of change between an option's value and the underlying asset's implied volatility. |
underlyingPrice | BigDecimal | The most recent trade price of the underlying asset. |
Name | Type | Description |
code | String | The Intrinio Code for the Option. |
ticker | String | The ticker symbol of the Security for the Option. |
expiration | LocalDate | The date on which the Option expires. The Option becomes invalid after this date and cannot be exercised. |
strike | BigDecimal | The strike price is the fixed price at which a derivative can be exercised, and refers to the price of the derivative's underlying asset. In a call option, the strike price is the price at which the option holder can purchase the underlying security. For a put option, the strike price is the price at which the option holder can sell the underlying security. |
type | TypeEnum | The type of Option (put or call). |
Name | Type | Description |
bidOpen | BigDecimal | The price of the bid at open |
bidHigh | BigDecimal | The high bid so far today |
bidLow | BigDecimal | The low bid so far today |
askOpen | BigDecimal | The price of the ask at open |
askHigh | BigDecimal | The high ask so far today |
askLow | BigDecimal | The low ask so far today |
tradeOpen | BigDecimal | The price of the trade at open |
tradeHigh | BigDecimal | The high trade so far today |
tradeLow | BigDecimal | The low trade so far today |
askClose | BigDecimal | The price of ask at close today |
bidClose | BigDecimal | The price of bid at close today |
tradeClose | BigDecimal | The price of the last trade of the day |
mark | BigDecimal | The mark price |