Lookup Company

Lookup Company Ruby API Documentation

Returns company reference and metadata such as tickers, CIK, and a unique company identifier, as well as company metadata such as business description, employee count, and company URL.

API Class:
Instance Method:

Stock Price Code Example

Use my API Key
# Load the gem
require 'intrinio-sdk'
require 'pp'
# Setup authorization
Intrinio.configure do |config|
config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
config.allow_retries = true
company_api = Intrinio::CompanyApi.new
identifier = "AAPL"
result = company_api.get_company(identifier)
pp result


identifierStringA Company identifier (Ticker, CIK, LEI, Intrinio ID) 

Return Type



idStringThe Intrinio ID of the company  
tickerStringThe stock market ticker symbol associated with the company's common stock securities  
nameStringThe company's common name  
leiStringThe Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) assigned to the company  
legal_nameStringThe company's official legal name  
stock_exchangeStringThe Stock Exchange where the company's common stock is primarily traded  
sicStringThe Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) determined by the company and filed with the SEC  
short_descriptionStringA one or two sentence description of the company's operations  
long_descriptionStringA one paragraph description of the company's operations and other corporate actions  
ceoStringThe Chief Executive Officer of the company  
company_urlStringThe URL of the company's primary corporate website or primary internet property  
business_addressStringThe company's business address  
mailing_addressStringThe mailing address reported by the company  
business_phone_noStringThe phone number reported by the company  
hq_address1StringThe company's headquarters address - line 1  
hq_address2StringThe company's headquarters address - line 2  
hq_address_cityStringThe company's headquarters city  
hq_address_postal_codeStringThe company's headquarters postal code  
entity_legal_formStringThe company's legal organization form  
cikStringThe Central Index Key (CIK) assigned to the company by the SEC as a unique identifier, used in SEC filings  
latest_filing_dateDateThe date of the company's last filing with the SEC  
hq_stateStringThe state (US & Canada Only) where the company headquarters are located  
hq_countryStringThe country where the company headquarters are located  
inc_stateStringThe state (US & Canada Only) where the company is incorporated  
inc_countryStringThe country where the company is incorporated  
employeesIntegerThe number of employees working for the company  
sectorStringThe company's operating sector  
industry_categoryStringThe company's operating industry category  
industry_groupStringThe company's operating industry group  
templateStringThe financial statement template used by Intrinio to standardize the as reported data  
standardized_activeBOOLEANIf true, the company has standardized and as reported fundamental data via the Intrinio API; if false, the company has as-reported data only  
first_fundamental_dateDateThe period end date of the company's first reported fundamental  
last_fundamental_dateDateThe period end date of the company's last reported fundamental  
first_stock_price_dateDateThe date of the company's first stock price, based on the company's primary security, which is typically traded on US exchages  
last_stock_price_dateDateThe date of the company's last stock price, based on the company's primary security, which is typically traded on US exchages