Search the XBRL note database and return a list of XBRL note sections containing text from the text query parameter passed through.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
query | String | Search for notes that contain all or parts of this text | |
filing_start_date | Date | Limit search to filings on or after this date | [optional] |
filing_end_date | Date | Limit search to filings on or before this date | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | The number of results to return | [optional] [default to 100] |
Name | Type | Description |
filing_notes | Array |
Name | Type | Description |
cik | String | The Central Index Key (CIK) assigned to the company |
report_type | String | The filing report type |
period_end_date | Date | The ending date of the fiscal period for the filing |
filing_date | Date | The date the report was filed with the SEC |