This database offers consensus long term growth rate estimates, including insight into changes in estimates and revisions over time.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
identifier | String | A Security identifier (Ticker, FIGI, ISIN, CUSIP, Intrinio ID) | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | The number of results to return | [optional] [default to 100] |
next_page | String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional] |
Name | Type | Description |
long_term_growth_estimates | Array | Zacks latest long term growth rates |
next_page | String | The token required to request the next page of the data. If null, no further results are available. |
Name | Type | Description |
mean | Float | The mean long term growth estimate |
median | Float | The median long term growth estimate |
count | Integer | The number of long term growth estimates |
high | Float | The high long term growth estimate |
low | Float | The low long term growth estimate |
std_dev | String | The standard deviation long term growth estimate |
revisions_upward | Integer | The number of long term growth estimate revisions upward |
revisions_downward | Integer | The number of long term growth estimate revisions downward |
mean_7_days_ago | String | The mean long term growth estimate 7 days ago |
mean_30_days_ago | String | The mean long term growth estimate 30 days ago |
mean_60_days_ago | String | The mean long term growth estimate 60 days ago |
mean_90_days_ago | String | The mean long term growth estimate 90 days ago |
revisions_upward_last_7_days | String | The number of long term growth estimate revisions upward in the last 7 days |
revisions_downward_last_7_days | String | The number of long term growth estimate revisions downward in the last 7 days |
revisions_upward_last_30_days | String | The number of long term growth estimate revisions upward in the last 30 days |
revisions_downward_last_30_days | String | The number of long term growth estimate revisions downward in the last 30 days |
revisions_upward_last_60_days | String | The number of long term growth estimate revisions upward in the last 60 days |
revisions_downward_last_60_days | String | The number of long term growth estimate revisions downward in the last 60 days |
revisions_upward_last_90_days | String | The number of long term growth estimate revisions upward in the last 90 days |
revisions_downward_last_90_days | String | The number of long term growth estimate revisions downward in the last 90 days |
revisions_upward_last_120_days | String | The number of long term growth estimate revisions upward in the last 120 days |
revisions_downward_last_120_days | String | The number of long term growth estimate revisions downward in the last 120 days |
revisions_upward_last_150_days | String | The number of long term growth estimate revisions upward in the last 150 days |
revisions_downward_last_150_days | String | The number of long term growth estimate revisions downward in the last 150 days |
security | SecuritySummary | The Security of the Zacks long term growth estimate |
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The Intrinio ID for Security |
company_id | String | The Intrinio ID for the Company for which the Security is issued |
exchange | String | The exchange's MIC |
exchange_mic | String | The security's exchange MIC |
stock_exchange_id | String | The exchange's Intrinio ID |
name | String | The name of the Security |
code | String | A 2-3 digit code classifying the Security (reference) |
currency | String | The currency in which the Security is traded on the exchange |
ticker | String | The common/local ticker of the Security |
composite_ticker | String | The country-composite ticker of the Security |
figi | String | The OpenFIGI identifier |
composite_figi | String | The country-composite OpenFIGI identifier |
share_class_figi | String | The global-composite OpenFIGI identifier |
primary_listing | BOOLEAN | If true, the Security is the primary issue for the company, otherwise it is a secondary issue on a secondary stock exchange |