Returns latest market analytics for a specified US ETF, including volume, trailing volume, market cap, 52 week high, and 52 week low.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
identifier | String | An ETF identifier (Ticker, Figi Ticker, ISIN, RIC, Intrinio ID) |
Name | Type | Description |
date | Date | The calendar date these analytics represent. |
fifty_two_week_high | Float | Highest trading price for the security in the preceding 52 weeks |
fifty_two_week_low | Float | Lowest trading price for the security in the preceding 52 weeks |
volume_traded | Float | The total quantity of shares traded on the latest trading day |
average_daily_volume_one_month | Float | The average quantity of shares traded per day for the last month |
average_daily_volume_three_month | Float | The average quantity of shares traded per day for the last three months |
average_daily_volume_six_month | Float | The average quantity of shares traded per day for the last six months |
market_cap | Float | The market capitalization for the Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) |
shares_outstanding | Float | The number of shares outstanding for the Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) |
etf | ETFSummary |
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The Intrinio ID of the ETF |
name | String | The common name of the ETF |
ticker | String | The common ticker symbol for the ETF |
figi_ticker | String | The OpenFIGI ticker for the ETF |
ric | String | Reuters Instrument Code (RIC) for the ETF |
isin | String | International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) for the ETF |
sedol | String | Stock Exchange Daily Official List (SEDOL) for the ETF |
exchange_mic | String | The exchange Market Identifier Code (MIC) from the International Standards Organization (ISO) |