All News

All News Csharp API Documentation

Returns the latest news article links, headlines and summaries for all US traded companies allowing you to keep a pulse on companies and their business operations.

API Class:
Instance Method:

Stock Price Code Example

Use my API Key
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Intrinio.SDK.Api;
using Intrinio.SDK.Client;
using Intrinio.SDK.Model;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace Example
public class GetAllCompanyNewsExample
public static void Main()
Configuration.Default.AddApiKey("api_key", "YOUR_API_KEY");
Configuration.Default.AllowRetries = true;
var companyApi = new CompanyApi();
string specificSource = null;
int? pageSize = 100;
string sentiment = null;
string topic = null;
string company = "AAPL";
string security = "AAPL";
DateTime? startDate = null;
DateTime? endDate = null;
string language = null;
int? wordCountGreaterThan = null;
int? wordCountLessThan = null;
bool? isSpam = null;
decimal? businessRelevanceGreaterThan = null;
decimal? businessRelevanceLessThan = null;
string nextPage = null;
ApiResponseNews result = companyApi.GetAllCompanyNews(specificSource, pageSize, sentiment, topic, company, security, startDate, endDate,
        language, wordCountGreaterThan, wordCountLessThan, isSpam, businessRelevanceGreaterThan, businessRelevanceLessThan, nextPage);
Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented));


specificSourcestringOnly news from this source. Defaults to highest available if not present.[optional]  
pageSizeint?The maximum number of results to return.[optional] [default to 100]  
sentimentstringFilter by sentiment. Unsupported for yahoo source.[optional]  
topicstringFilter by topic. Unsupported for yahoo source.[optional]  
companystringFilter by `company` identifier (ticker, CIK, LEI, Intrinio ID)[optional]  
securitystringFilter by `security` identifier (ticker, figi, isin, cusip, Intrinio ID). Unsupported for yahoo source.[optional]  
startDateDateTime?Limit news stories to those on or after this date. Defaults to yesterday if unspecified.[optional]  
endDateDateTime?Limit news stories to those on or before this date.[optional]  
languagestringFilter by language. Unsupported for yahoo source.[optional]  
wordCountGreaterThanint?News stories will have a word count greater than this value. Unsupported for yahoo source.[optional]  
wordCountLessThanint?News stories will have a word count less than this value. Unsupported for yahoo source.[optional]  
isSpambool?Filter whether it is marked as spam or not. Unsupported for yahoo source.[optional]  
businessRelevanceGreaterThandecimal?News stories will have a business relevance score more than this value. Unsupported for yahoo source.[optional]  
businessRelevanceLessThandecimal?News stories will have a business relevance score less than this value. Unsupported for yahoo source.[optional]  
nextPagestringGets the next page of data from a previous API call[optional]  

Return Type



NextPagestringThe token required to request the next page of the data. If null, no further results are available.  


IdstringThe Intrinio ID for the news article  
TitlestringThe title of the news article  
PublicationDateDateTime?The publication date of the news article  
UrlstringThe url of the news article  
SummarystringA summary of the news article  
SourcestringThe news source.  
CompanyCompanySummaryThe Company to which the new article pertains  
CopyrightstringThe copyright of the news article  
LanguagestringThe language code of the news article  
WordCountint?The word count of the news article  
Spambool?Whether the news article is marked as spam or not  
BusinessRelevancedecimal?How strongly correlated the news article is to the business  
ArticleSentimentstringThe news sentiment.  
ArticleSentimentConfidencedecimal?The confidence score of the sentiment rating  


IdstringThe Intrinio ID of the company  
TickerstringThe stock market ticker symbol associated with the company's common stock securities  
NamestringThe company's common name  
LeistringThe Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) assigned to the company  
CikstringThe Central Index Key (CIK) assigned to the company  


NamestringThe description of the topic.