Returns the latest company metrics.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
identifier | string | A Company identifier (Ticker, CIK, LEI, Intrinio ID) | |
onDate | DateTime? | Date of the metric | [optional] |
pageSize | int? | The number of results to return | [optional] [default to 100] |
nextPage | string | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional] |
nextPage2 | string | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional] |
Name | Type | Description |
DailyMetrics | List | |
NextPage | string | The token required to request the next page of the data. If null, no further results are available. |
Name | Type | Description |
Date | DateTime? | The date of the metric |
EnterpriseValue | decimal? | The enterprise value. |
EvToEbit | decimal? | The enterprise value to earnings before interest and taxes ratio. |
EvToEbitda | decimal? | The enterprise value to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amoritization ratio. |
MarketCap | decimal? | The market cap. |
PriceToBook | decimal? | The price to book ratio. |
PriceToEarnings | decimal? | The price to earnings ratio. |
PriceToRevenue | decimal? | The price to revenue ratio. |
PriceToTangibleBook | decimal? | The price to tangible book ratio. |
DividendYield | decimal? | The dividend yield. |
EarningsYield | decimal? | The earnings yield. |
EvToInvestedCapital | decimal? | The enterprise value to invested capital ratio. |
EvToRevenue | decimal? | The enterprise value to revenue ratio. |
EvToNopat | decimal? | The enterprise value to normalized operating profit after tax ratio. |
EvToOcf | decimal? | The enterprise value to operating cash flow ratio. |
EvToFcff | decimal? | The enterprise value to free cash flow to the firm ratio. |
Company | CompanySummary |
Name | Type | Description |
Id | string | The Intrinio ID of the company |
Ticker | string | The stock market ticker symbol associated with the company's common stock securities |
Name | string | The company's common name |
Lei | string | The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) assigned to the company |
Cik | string | The Central Index Key (CIK) assigned to the company |