Options Unusual Activity Universal Intraday

Options Unusual Activity Universal Intraday Csharp API Documentation

Returns unusual trades for all underlying security symbols within the query parameters.

API Class:
Instance Method:

Stock Price Code Example

Use my API Key
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Intrinio.SDK.Api;
using Intrinio.SDK.Client;
using Intrinio.SDK.Model;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace Example
public class GetUnusualActivityUniversalIntradayExample
public static void Main()
Configuration.Default.AddApiKey("api_key", "YOUR_API_KEY");
Configuration.Default.AllowRetries = true;
var optionsApi = new OptionsApi();
string nextPage = null;
int? pageSize = 100;
string activityType = null;
string sentiment = null;
DateTime? startDate = DateTime.Parse("2022-02-01");
DateTime? endDate = DateTime.Parse("2022-02-03");
var minimumTotalValue = new Object();
var maximumTotalValue = new Object();
ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity result = optionsApi.GetUnusualActivityUniversalIntraday(nextPage, pageSize, activityType, sentiment, startDate
        , endDate, minimumTotalValue, maximumTotalValue);
Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented));


nextPagestringGets the next page of data from a previous API call[optional]  
pageSizeint?The number of results to return[optional] [default to 1000]  
activityTypestringThe unusual activity type to query for.[optional]  
sentimentstringThe sentiment type to query for.[optional]  
startDateDateTime?Return unusual activity on or after this date.[optional]  
endDateDateTime?Return unusual activity on or before this date.[optional]  
minimumTotalValueObjectThe inclusive minimum total value for the unusual activity.[optional]  
maximumTotalValueObjectThe inclusive maximum total value for the unusual activity.[optional]  

Return Type



TradesListA list of unusual trades for a given company identifier  


SymbolstringThe underlying option security symbol for the trade  
TimestampDateTime?The UTC timestamp of order placement  
TypestringThe type of unusual trade  
TotalValuedecimal?The aggregated value of all option contract premiums included in the trade  
TotalSizedecimal?The total number of contracts involved in a single transaction  
AveragePricedecimal?The average premium paid per option contract  
ContractstringThe option contract symbol  
AskAtExecutiondecimal?Ask price at execution  
BidAtExecutiondecimal?Bid price at execution  
SentimentstringBullish, Bearish, or Neutral Sentiment is estimated based on whether the trade was executed at the bid, ask, or mark price.  
UnderlyingPriceAtExecutiondecimal?Price of the underlying security at execution of trade