Returns all option stats (greeks and implied volatility) as well as the underlying factors used to calculate them, for a particular option contract.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
identifier | string | The Intrinio ID or code of the options contract to request prices for. | |
source | string | Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. | [optional] |
showExtendedPrice | bool? | Whether to include open close high low type fields. | [optional] |
Name | Type | Description |
Stats | OptionStatsRealtime | |
Factors | OptionFactorsRealtime | |
Option | OptionRealtime |
Name | Type | Description |
ImpliedVolatility | decimal? | The implied volatility of the contract calculated using the Black-Scholes Model. |
Delta | decimal? | Delta represents the rate of change between the option's price and a $1 change in the underlying asset's price. |
Gamma | decimal? | Gamma represents the rate of change between an option's delta and the underlying asset's price. |
Theta | decimal? | Theta represents the rate of change between the option price and time, or time sensitivity - sometimes known as an option's time decay. |
Vega | decimal? | Vega represents the rate of change between an option's value and the underlying asset's implied volatility. |
UnderlyingPrice | decimal? | The most recent trade price of the underlying asset. |
Name | Type | Description |
MarketPrice | decimal? | The market price of the options contract |
UnderlyingPrice | decimal? | The market price of the underlying asset |
StrikePrice | decimal? | The strike price of the options contract |
DaysToExpiration | decimal? | The number of days to expiration |
RiskFreeInterestRate | decimal? | The current risk-free interest rate, as measured by the 3-month Treasury Bill rate |
DividendYield | decimal? | The dividend yield of the underlying asset (if applicable) |
Name | Type | Description |
Code | string | The Intrinio Code for the Option. |
Ticker | string | The ticker symbol of the Security for the Option. |
Expiration | DateTime? | The date on which the Option expires. The Option becomes invalid after this date and cannot be exercised. |
Strike | decimal? | The strike price is the fixed price at which a derivative can be exercised, and refers to the price of the derivative's underlying asset. In a call option, the strike price is the price at which the option holder can purchase the underlying security. For a put option, the strike price is the price at which the option holder can sell the underlying security. |
Type | string | The type of Option (put or call). |