Returns latest available earnings information for the Security with the given `identifier`
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
identifier | string | A Security identifier (Ticker, FIGI, ISIN, CUSIP, Intrinio ID) |
Name | Type | Description |
Quarter | string | The letter “Q” followed by the quarter number the earnings information applies to |
TimeOfDay | string | Indicates the time of the announcement |
BroadcastUrl | string | Link for Conference Call recording |
TranscriptUrl | string | Link to the earnings release transcript |
TranscriptQuarter | string | The letter “Q” followed by the quarter number the earnings transcript applies to |
TranscriptFiscalYear | string | Fiscal year in YYYY format for the earnings transcript |
ConferenceCallDate | DateTime? | Date of the conference call |
ConferenceCallTime | string | Published time of the conference call |
ConferenceCallPhoneNumber | string | Publicly available phone number for replay conference call |
ConferenceCallPasscode | string | Passcode for replay conference call |
LastConfirmationDate | DateTime? | Date of last earnings date update by a WSH analyst |
BoardOfDirectorsMeetingDate | DateTime? | Date of Board/Shareholder Meeting |
BoardOfDirectorsMeetingType | string | The type of meeting - "B" indicates a Board of Directors meeting and "S" indicates a Shareholder meeting |
CompanyWebsite | string | Website link for the company |
Q1Date | DateTime? | Earnings Date for 1st quarter |
Q2Date | DateTime? | Earnings Date for 2nd quarter |
Q3Date | DateTime? | Earnings Date for 3rd quarter |
Q4Date | DateTime? | Earnings Date for 4th quarter |
Type | string | The nature of the next reported earnings date - "V" indicates a Verified date, "T" indicates that the date was gathered from the company, but is still considered Tentative, and "I" indicates that the date is forecased or Inferred |
NextEarningsDate | DateTime? | Next earnings date |
NextEarningsQuarter | string | The quarter of the next earnings release |
NextEarningsFiscalYear | int? | The fiscal year associated with next earnings date and next earnings quarter |
PreliminaryEarningsDate | DateTime? | The release date of a preliminary earnings report |
Security | SecuritySummary |
Name | Type | Description |
Id | string | The Intrinio ID for Security |
CompanyId | string | The Intrinio ID for the Company for which the Security is issued |
Exchange | string | The exchange's MIC |
ExchangeMic | string | The security's exchange MIC |
StockExchangeId | string | The exchange's Intrinio ID |
Name | string | The name of the Security |
Code | string | A 2-3 digit code classifying the Security (reference) |
Currency | string | The currency in which the Security is traded on the exchange |
Ticker | string | The common/local ticker of the Security |
CompositeTicker | string | The country-composite ticker of the Security |
Figi | string | The OpenFIGI identifier |
CompositeFigi | string | The country-composite OpenFIGI identifier |
ShareClassFigi | string | The global-composite OpenFIGI identifier |
PrimaryListing | bool? | If true, the Security is the primary issue for the company, otherwise it is a secondary issue on a secondary stock exchange |